Our 5 Star Plan for Staffordshire Moorlands District
Cut the number of district councillors to save cost and increase accountability. Lead the way on Localism to deliver cost-effective services: make decisions in the area they affect.
Work in partnership with others to restore civic pride. Facilitate grants for insulation schemes and require high environmental standards for all buildings. Encourage family focused leisure activities, festivals and entertainments.
"Love to Live Locally" - Affordable Housing in towns, villages and rural areas, with families and young people supported by transport, leisure and employment policies. Encourage domestic sprinklers for all new homes.
Protect and promote our rich and varied tourism and heritage opportunities. Encourage more business start up units and seek the conversion of redundant mills for mixed use. Use Localism legislation to resist the advance of large supermarkets and charity shops.
Delegate the management and financial responsibility for car parks to Town and Parish Councils. Resist any proposals for on-street car parking charges.
Download our full 2011 District Council Manifesto